Sabkush Lifestyle News: Get your wooing right.

Sabkush Lifestyle News: Get your wooing right.Get your wooing right

So you’ve met someone nice, but you gotta watch your step lest he or she slips away. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Take notes on how not to botch up a good deal So it’s date night and you’re substantially nervous. Calm your nerves and get your act together. Here are some quick tips on what not to say, to make sure this date is a breeze, and assure yourself of a few more. NO.10 Do you like me? Huh huh? Three-year-olds asking that is cute; 18 and above? Insecure, underconfident and definitely not in charge. If (s)he doesn’t like you, (s)he won’t see you again; if (s)he does, you’ll lose him/her with the question. The key to seeming confident is pretending that you know (s)he likes you. Everything else will fall into place. NO.9 We’ll get married in six months, have two kids... Everyone likes mystery and challenges, especially early on in the dating game. Although initiative is appreciated, as also ambition and dedication towards the partner, if you lay out your plan for the future, talking about your lives together, you morph into a anal planner with no room for the unexpected. Besides, where’s the thrill in the chase when he or she knows they’ve already bagged you. Also, you’ll seem a bit desperate if you talk about a future on your third or fourth date. To keep the allure, don’t even talk too much about where you’re taking her on a date. NO. 8 Why haven’t you called back yet? If your date says (s)he’ll call and (s)he doesn’t, don’t call back. (S)he’ll get around to it or at least text you if (s)he’d like to see you again. If you keep hounding him or her about not calling, (s)he’ll resent the guilt trip. Ignore it, and to cut the risk of them expecting you to take the first step, send a breezy text or IM message. NO. 7 So, what do you want to do? Everyone loves a mysterious plan. That’s the fun of dating someone new. Even if you’ve asked him or her to casually hang out, don’t let it be just that. Plan a few exciting things to do to add a splash of fun. If you keep asking your date what he or she’d like to do, you come across as spine-less and boring. NO. 6 Your friend is such a loser Bad-mouthing friends, especially those of the other sex or the ones you haven’t met, makes you seem insecure and negative. Instead, you should come across as someone who can handle, nay, does not even consider the competition. So when she talks about her cool guy friends or he about his ex-girlfriends, remember they are not on a date with your partner. NO. 5 Should we go out again? Coming back to the being in control, you don’t ask a crush directly for a date, a kiss or sex. Little children ask for permission... from their teachers. Confident grownups just state what they are going to do, like: “Let’s go watch this movie,” or “We should go to the beach.” They gauge the moment and bait the date with promises of an exciting adventure. NO. 4 On the next date we will... Starting to talk about what comes next kills spontaneity. Even pinning down a call to, “I’ll call you on Saturday” murders the surprise. Not to mention, you comes across as someone who plans every detail months beforehand, or look like your desperate to get a confirmation that (s)he likes you. NO. 3 I’ll take you to sion and show you my lion Double entrandes are not funny after eighth standard. Anything racy and saucy, seems like a direct hint to getting between the sheets. And if you haven’t gotten intimate yet, it will just make your date uncomfortable and will probably turn her off. NO. 2 May I kiss you please? Coming back to separating children from adults, do not ask for permission to make romantic gestures, especially if you are a man. It does exactly the opposite — the woman’s interest in you dips immediately and even if she says yes, it probably a pity kiss, or worse still, a good-bye kiss. Just lean in and kiss her at the right moment. NO. 1 I run 14kms everyday The quickest way to make a date turn away is by trying too hard to impress him/her. People can tell when you are nervous or showing off and it’s not a turn on. You won’t score any brownie points for bragging and boasting and least of all, if you do it in front of friends. Hang back on too much talk about yourself and leave room for him/her to find out. In fact, if you pay as much attention to your date and what (s)he’s saying, (s)he’ll be more impressed by your job, your car, and maybe even your body when (s)he discovers it.


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