Sabkush Headlines: Make a little haven for your kidMake a little haven for your kid
Decorating your son or daughter’s bedroom can be a fun task. While most parents go for simple pink or blue interiors with kids today having a say in how they want their room done up, things have definitely changed. Not to fret. You can make your job easy by selecting a theme that your kid is fond of - it can be their favourite colour or cartoon character, superhero or a theme based on one of their favourite hobbies. Make sure you take your child’s point of view into consideration, but also keep in mind the practicalities in terms of your budget and execution. While deciding on the colour scheme for the room, stick to mellow shades or pastels. White is a strict no-no. Avoid very dark shades. If your kid is under 10 years of age, there’s a great chance he/she may scribble on the walls and white will show everything. Create a little space for your little one to do his/her art work. If you are willing to splurge a little on the room, you can get an artist to paint your child’s favourite character on the bedroom wall or go for a wallpaper. Most boys love getting Superman or Spiderman painted on their wall, while girls might opt for butterflies, flowers or fairy characters. This adds colour to the room and sets the theme for the other interiors. Kids tend to change their mind about what they want, so try and include some removable elements in the room like paper lanterns, wind chimes, and other wall hangings. If they are fond of birds, hang paper birds from hooks on the ceiling for a unique look. Also, try and get matching bright curtains. Let your child pick them out in colours and prints that he/she likes.
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