Sabkush Headlines: Be happy in a childless marriage

Sabkush Headlines: Be happy in a childless marriage

Be happy in a childless marriage

But, when the good news takes more than the average time to come along, more often than not, older relatives begin to cast anxious looks and in some insensitive families, also make obvious hints. Stress causes cracks Family and social pressures apart, when a couple has to face the truth that they cannot have children, there is disbelief and then, sorrow. This may begin to eat into their marriage. Sex becomes mechanical. It’s time to understand If the couple cannot sort out the situation on their own, it is better to go in for professional counseling. The guilt of being the sterile partner can be a heavy burden to carry. Who says you can’t? Adoption is a boon for a parentless child, but more often than not, adoption proves to be a blessing for the couple involved as well. Anuradha Talwar, 35, who adopted a child after six years of marriage says, “After we adopted Niharika, a curtain of sorrow was lifted from our lives. Earlier, we were resigned to the fact that we would always be miserable and unhappy.” Look beyond Develop new interests. Share outside activities like sports, clubs, dramatics, music and social groups. Accept and blend in It is important to accept the situation and not alienate yourself. Some time or the other, you are going to meet other people with kids. How long are you going to avoid social situations like these? So what if you don’t have kids? You have each other. Cherish, love and deepen the bonds that tie the two of you together. There’s a lot more in life that you haven’t experienced yet!


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