LOVE AAJ KAL has completed 50 days at the box office and in the process has netted more than Rs. 65 crores just from India. Post the celebrations, the film's producer and lead actor Saif Ali Khan is having a new vision for his career going forward. He is looking at doing fewer films while mixing bona fide wide canvas commercial films along with one small film a year.

"That's the kind of game plan I am looking at building for myself from here on", says Saif who took off for a US and Europe vacation with Kareena Kapoor soon after LOVE AAJ KAL was declared a super success, "I would now be working on 2-3 films a year and make sure that I cover a wide spectrum. While a couple of them would be big nice commercial films, another would be a relatively smaller film which can be completed in 30 days flat."

Once back from vacation, Saif Ali Khan has participated in a couple of ad shoots. However, shooting for his next film AGENT VINOD is still a little distance away.

"Final touches on the script are being given and we have been looking at getting the best technicians on board. I guess by end of this year, we should begin shooting", says Saif, "In any case I am in no tearing hurry to ready my next film. One should space things out, invest good time to publicize things and get the right preparation in place for the making of the film."

Meanwhile he is highly excited about the 27th November release of his next film KURBAAN. A Karan Johar production which is directed by debutant Rensil D'Silva, KURBAAN stars Kareena Kapoor as the female protagonist along with Vivek Oberoi, Dia Mirza, Kirron Kher and Om Puri.

As a Muslim I feel proud I did 'Kurbaan': Saif Ali Khan

Mumbai, Sep 26 His 'Love Aaj Kal' has completed 50 days at the box office and has earned more than Rs.65 crores (Rs.650 million) just within India. Now actor-producer Saif Ali..


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